Friday, March 8, 2013

Pain Pain Go Away

Pain Pain Go Away
The pain of rejection is not new to me. I can’t figure out why some instances effect me more than others. Take the Spicy Italian. I thought we had a certain connection. In reality he pushed the sex too early. I wasn’t quite ready. Why you ask? Well, for one thing I am still self conscious about the weight that I have yet to shed since Angry Guy and I have split. The Spicy Italian has an amazing body for a man of his age although I have to say that he listed his height in his online profile as 5’6” and Kitty is thinking he is more like 5’2”. Since Kitty is quite short myself, the Spicy Italian’s height was not that much of an issue.

And so after that fateful night when Kitty slinked away from the Spicy Italian’s restaurant and back to my own office just a block away Kitty did not hear back from the Spicy Italian. I did see him online however. He was shopping for other women. He was clearly not satisfied or impressed by my performance in bed.  That infuriated me. And so just a day before Valentine’s Day I texted him as I saw him online on POF and said “find anybody interesting on POF?”

Thirty minutes later or so I received a text back from him saying “Driving to Philly”. I expected that to be the last I heard from him. To add insult to injury on Valentine’s Day I received a text from him saying “GM [Kitty]. You are a great person just don’t think we are compatible.”

WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!?!?!? Based on some of the wonderful conversations we had over the past weeks I thought we were DEFINITELY compatible. This was clearly physical and damn did it STING.

Over the course of the past few weeks I watched him online as he searched and searched for someone younger, thinner and more beautiful than Kitty. Oh and he will find her. You mark my words.

Once again having dealt with the pain of rejection for a good portion of my life not to mention through some of my Ashley Madison encounters I have come to realize one very important thing. Yes, the men do move on and they move on quickly. The Spicy Italian probably doesn’t EVER give me a thought. I would be surprised if he recognized me or even remembered my name at this point. But one thing that I have learned is that the pain DOES go away. Sometimes it takes a few weeks sometimes YEARS but this pain of mine. The pain of lost potential will go away. And Kitty will be stronger than ever. You mark my words.


Red Shoes said...

Rejection is a bitch...

The pain will go away... it will disappear into the past along with everything else that has gone wrong in our Lives.

Instead of mourning this, look forward with anticipation of great ties to come...


Red Shoes said...

... great tiMes to come... not, ties.

Although I imagine that being tied up could be a great deal of fun.

Just sayin'...


Naughty Kitty said...

I agree with you on both counts Shoes ;)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kitty,

Knowing you as little as I do I know enough to say that you're better off regardless of how good the sex is. I know rejection stings but like you I have had enough of it on AM to know that I will survive and so will you. I am glad you're free now to pursue as much or as little companionship as you wish. Hope we can chat again soon.


Naughty Kitty said...

Thank you Frank and yes I am glad to be free as well. I do have to comment on something you said about your own personal rejection though. This is fascinating to me as I personally did not reject you in fact I think Kitty and Frank could have had some fun playtime together back in the day. I'd be curious to see the women who did reject you in your opinion. I think men and some women of course set their standards way too high. Listen, you are a handsome man and I enjoyed chatting with you on occasion but if you think you were going to get some 25 year old blonde bombshell well...I'm not saying it wasn't going to happen but...Anyway Frank, I have no hard feelings but I have learned an awful lot about men and what they think they deserve in a woman as opposed to what they are willing to offer.I wish you well Frank and I hope you find your special someone.

Anonymous said...

Get out of this slump and write some more!!!!
Write sum more!
Write sum more!
Write sum more!
Write sum more!

Me.... lol

Naughty Kitty said...

Relax Hammer. I'm working on it.