Thursday, June 5, 2014

Everything Is Gonna Be Alright

The other night Hammer called me. Hammer NEVER calls me. I happened to be on the phone with the Ex at the time so couldn’t answer right away. Hammer kept texting me “How is your head?”

I know what he meant. He was asking if I am nervous about my biopsy which I wasn’t until I spoke with him! No actually Kitty is quite calm. I just keep telling myself “make good choices. This is all a test.”

When Hammer and I finally did talk on the phone he seemed really REALLY concerned. He said he read my blog. I knew that but he had read it days before and I texted him what was going on although I have to admit, I conveniently left out the HPV part. I mean after all, how do you tell a lover that you have an STD? And an STD that can’t be detected or treated in men. Hammer said he had started to do some research on HPV and it was scary. I couldn’t tell if he was concerned about Kitty or concerned that Kitty passed this on to him. I tried to delicately let him know that he could have passed it on to me just as easily as I passed it onto him. We will never really know.

All in all I think Hammer was concerned for Kitty’s well being. Hammer is a very compassionate man. He is very sensitive as well. Damn! Just thinking about Hammer makes Kitty wet!

He texted me the next day. It seemed awkward at first and then he texted, “I still want to have sex with you.”

To which my response was “how is that going to work?” Wondering if we would use condoms, forego oral sex?

Hammer being the sweet, loveable, silly guy that he is answered, “My cock inside your pussy.” Damn! Kitty is wet again!!

This morning I wanted to text Hammer and ask him to meet me Saturday for a play date. Kitty is just not ready yet. When we spoke on the phone we discussed karma and how I feel as though fucking married men at this point is not good for me. But Hammer…well…Hammer is different.


Chashunk said...

Kitty is on the prowl. You really like this guy.

Naughty Kitty said...

Thanks Guys! Yes, Chas, Hammer is a very special friend...with benefits.

Bader, you are RIGHT!!! It is going to be amazing. Like I said earlier, I started writing about how I was telling Hammer things were going to be alright and my post took a completely different turn.

Same sassy girl said...

Fascinate me which men run and which come closer when I face health issues. So glad Hammer is the latter, and there is a nice man to help you through this interesting time.

Naughty Kitty said...

Well...let's not romanticize the situation Sassy. Hammer is not available to me most of the time. As you well know, a relationship with a married man means standing in line behind his wife, his kids and his other girlfriends. That is exactly why Kitty is trying to stick with single men these days.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kitty, I am concerned about you and your health, we have always had passionate fun together and I enjoy that so much, specially the last time. I think about it a lot. Somehow this will all work out. I will be in touch.
