Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Grown Up Kitty

The past few weeks have been interesting. First of all, I have been communicating and dare I say have become friends with Blue Bader. Let me just say two things about Bader. He is one of the nicest men I have ever come across and damn he is FINE!! Bader, if you are reading this, your emails brighten my day!

Another little side story, my mammogram came back irregular. At first I didn’t panic. That’s happened to me before where the tech girl in an effort to be nice didn’t squeeze the machine hard enough and didn’t get a good picture. I even commented to my kids when I had this last one done that I had a feeling I’d get a call back.

It wasn’t until they showed me a spot near my nipple that I became concerned. They took a higher def version then called for an ultrasound. That’s when Kitty started to freak out. The waiting was the hardest part. There was a woman there with her kid that was chattering nervously and Kitty wanted to slap her. Another woman sat quietly next to me with her eyes closed. She may have been sleeping or she may have been praying. I’m not sure which. The techs kept popping their heads back where we were waiting but kept mixing up who was who. That in itself was nerve racking.

In the end the ultrasound looked good. Kitty however was a basket case. Kitty is lucky because I was texting a few friends for moral support and surprisingly got an email from Bader which made me smile.

The third and last interesting development is a man Kitty met through Tinder. I know…I know…ANOTHER married man!!! WTF?!

Actually my bestie at work pointed out that he had a ring on his finger in one of his pictures. She’s got a good eye. Kitty was focused on the fact that he was a strikingly handsome older, Jewish version of John F. Kennedy Jr.

Anyway, JFK reached out to Kitty first through Tinder which in my experience means they are married or trying to sell something. Can I just make a side note that it is so sad that these websites have all turned into breeding grounds for those with an agenda other than the intent of the website.

Okay so JFK and I begin chatting through Tinder and of course Kitty didn’t take long to get to the dirty chatting. It was actually quite fun. Kitty really seems to have a gift for the sex chat. JFK’s story was typical. His wife had no time for him. Poor baby. He told me he had other women he spent time with throughout the country but obviously they were not on a regular basis He seemed somewhat successful and was in town for the month of June. This will be a short term fling for sure.

At some point during the night he texted me something that gave me the impression that he was not alone. It turned out he was in bed with his wife. This is an incredible turn off for Kitty as you can imagine. What is it with these guys? They all want to be treated like they are #1 and yet aren’t willing to do the same for Kitty. Been there done that!!

In the midst of the naughty texting with JFK, Kitty emailed Bader to get his take on the situation. Bader as always asked some thought provoking questions. Bader asked Kitty,” why are you drawn to [married men]? And why do you want to steer clear if you are not looking for a relationship?”

Great questions Bader!!! Well, as I told Bader, there seems to be a certain vulnerability about these men that is a turn on to Kitty. Unfortunately more and more Kitty is realizing that these men are also lying about their vulnerability. They have often done the cheating thing over and over and in JFK’s situation have other women on the side. So, as Kitty was emailing my answer to Bader, I was being a grown up kitty and making the conscious decision NOT to follow through with JFK.

Shortly after Kitty made the ground breaking, grown up decision not to meet JFK, he texted me “good morning.”

Kitty: “Good morning”

JFK: “Still like me?”

Kitty: “If you are asking if I’ve changed my mind I am going to have to say yes.”

JFK: “After all that sex talk, wow”

Kitty:” Yeah, sucks. But all in all we will never work out the timing. And to be quite honest, I’m not good at taking a back seat to anybody especially wives and other girlfriends.”

JFK: “I will rock your world. But I should probably defer as well. Unless you are all in, it won’t work.”

Kitty:”True. I’m a ‘give what you get’ kind of girl. If you put me first, I will put you first. That’s not going to happen here. I thought it might be fun to play for a few weeks but like you said, why waste the time. And I have other playmates that can ‘rock my world’.” The vision of my last orgasm with Hammer came to mind and a smile came upon my face.

JFK:”we should at least have coffee this weekend.”

After a few other texts Kitty agreed to meet JFK for a drink tonight. Oh, you needn’t worry. JFK reminds kitty of someone that I used to know. I’ve fallen into that trap before. What harm can just one drink do?

1 comment:

Naughty Kitty said...

Thanks Bader. Yeah...that guy was a dud.