Kitty is a
very healthy woman. Aside from being overweight and having a little arthritis
in my knees, I take no medications and haven’t been to the doctors in years
aside from my annual gynecological exam and mammogram.
When I received
a call from my gynecologist at work the other day, I immediately got a knot in
my stomach. “You tested positive for HPV which is a sexually transmitted virus.
You could have gotten it 10 years ago…” Those words rang in my head as she
explained all of the possible outcomes and options in a completely non-judgmental
I hung up
the phone after making an appointment for a biopsy and began to do some research.
So basically yes, HPV is a sexually transmitted virus. Different types produce
different results from simply existing silently in your body and never
progressing to developing into fully blown cervical cancer.
As I was
researching I heard my father’s voice behind me saying, “Enough is enough. What
are you doing here? Is it really worth it for a cheap thrill in a hotel room?”
This HPV…it’s
a sign. Something has to change. Well, many things have to change but first
things first. Kitty needs to get through this biopsy and re-evaluate.
Good you got tested, and have a chance to do something if there is anything to be done. I'm praying it's the "never progressing" thing!
Thank you Sassy. I am taking it as a sign and a wake up call to be and act more responsibly with my body.
That's a scary diagnosis. Good luck!
Dont read too much on the internet, it will make you crazy. It will be okay. Sending good thoughts.....
Thank you all!
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