Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Kitty's First Threesome

I know…RIGHT?!?!?!?!?! Kitty was SO excited yesterday!! And Kitty’s blogging bestie Bill texted that he fell off his chair he was so excited for Kitty!!

Kitty has so much to catch you all up on but let’s start with the threesome which is tentatively scheduled for this Thursday.

Kitty hasn’t heard from Esq. in several weeks since our play date. In light of the fact that Kitty found Esq. personality annoying I just let it go. In addition Esq. is totally paranoid about texting and emailing anything naughty and that is pretty much the opposite of Kitty. I mean JEEZ-US! The guy is not running for office anytime soon so WTF?! And Kitty sure as hell isn’t going to get him into trouble.

So on our last play date after we both came Kitty and Esq. lay in bed chit chatting for a bit. Kitty asked Esq. how he got involved with Ashley Madison. Like Kitty, one of Esq.’s besties recommended he get on. Esq.’s bestie “Sidekick” is also super DUPER paranoid. He’s basically living vicariously through Esq. and in his case I can sort of understand. He works for a high security agency and can’t take any chances with any of the fucknut women on AM.

So Esq. and I lay talking a little about Sidekick and as off color as my vanilla friends may take this, Kitty suggested giving Kitty’s info to Sidekick. Esq. agreed that it wouldn’t be such a bad idea. His logic was that we would most likely be sleeping with other people and that at least he trusts his bestie. Umm….OKAY!!!

So weeks have gone by and Kitty has gotten the occasional cryptic text from Esq. about the weather and coming down to his vacation home etc. Kitty replied with snarky texts but really Kitty enjoys the occasional, “I can’t stop thinking about fucking you again,” text.

Well yesterday of all days Esq. began texting Kitty at work. He seemed a little more responsive. He asked what my week looked like and we settled on a tentative night for a play date. During our back and forth Kitty boldly asked, “What’s up with Sidekick?”

Esq., replied, “I was going to ask if he’s available and invite him along for a drink if that’s okay.”

Ummm WWWHHHHAAAATTTT?!?!?!?!?!?! Kitty knew there would be no drinking so was this Esq.’s way of introducing the threesome???

It took several texts from Kitty, “Is this a threesome you are talking about?” because Kitty wanted to be absolutely clear…I mean ABSOLUTELY!!

Kitty requested some pictures and forwarded them to my blogging bestie for confirmation that Sidekick is absolutely a cutie and when Esq. confirmed that yes in fact he and Sidekick had tossed the idea of a threesome around and would I be game Kitty said, “YES!”

Thankfully Esq.’s texting loosened up a little after that. He had to go into a meeting and once again dodged the naughty texting that Kitty so craved so Kitty texted a few scenarios for Esq. about how the threesome might work.

First, Kitty suggested playing with Sidekick one on one since Sidekick is a virgin as far as straying from his wife. Kitty thought that might put Sidekick at ease and then maybe Esq. could join in. Chances are there will be someone fucking Kitty from behind while Kitty sucks the other’s cock and then maybe they might switch. Kitty’s bestie Bill recommended the “Double Penetration” which Kitty is not opposed to but not sure if I can make that happen our first time. It seems a little ambitious but none the less if these guys can pull it off, Kitty is game. Bestie Bill also recommended Kitty get on my knees sucking Sidekick’s cock while holding Esq.’s in my hand and going back and forth. That is completely doable to Kitty.

Kitty asked Esq. what made him think Kitty would be up for that. Kitty must have an air about me or something but Esq. said we discussed it briefly in bed and although Kitty doesn’t remember, I was at one point hoping that Esq. would bring Sidekick along one day for a threesome play date.

Now keep in mind friends, this is still tentative. Last text from Esq. he couldn’t get a hold of Sidekick since he was traveling but the prospect of this threesome in the near future is as Bill says, “nothing cures a broken heart like a good old fashioned threesome.”


EDAS said...
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Naughty Kitty said...

Thanks Bader. I'm not getting my hopes up. It's been a rough couple of weeks for my ego. At the very least Kitty will have some playtime with Esq.

Simplicity said...

Awesome!! Good luck and have fun!