Sunday, November 13, 2011

He Can Reach Me...

Okay I hate to go all “Sex and the City” on you but here goes…it’s just one of my many addictions. Would it surprise any of you that when I took that quiz on Facebook, the character I most resembled was Samantha? The only difference is I am not tall…or blonde…or statuesque. I don’t live in New York and quite frankly I am not “fabulous”. This blog is taking a bad turn.

The point I am trying to make is that I happen to identify with many of the situations in the show only adapted down to my middle class world. I assume a lot of others identify as well otherwise the show would not have been as successful as it was.

The one situation I identify with so much lately is the idea that “he can reach me, but I can NEVER get him.”

Can anybody else identify?

Here, take a look…


Anonymous said...

SATC is one of my addictions too! I identified with it right off the bat!

Naughty Kitty said...

It's way too easy for me to write using it as a reference. I am going to be doing it more but will try not to do it TOO much.

Thanks for the comment.

Advizor54 said...

i know how this is. it's a constant debate as to how many messages to leave before I just start looking pathetic...

Naughty Kitty said...

Funny, I didn't think men go through that. I thought it was just me.