Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kitty's Good Deed

It may be hard for some of you to believe but beneath this cold and heartless woman who thinks nothing of fucking other men while my husband works his heart out for his family and the woman that he believes is loving and faithful is really a warm and giving friend.
Back in the fall when Kitty was going through my little “depression” for lack of a better word I agreed to help a friend of mine by walking her dog every day after work. At the time I was only working a half day and trying to stay out of trouble. I was also looking for ideas for starting my own business and since I am a huge dog lover some friends and I thought dog walking might be a good start. I know…what the hell was I thinking?!!?!?

Well, it didn’t take me long to realize that this dog walking gig was a terrible inconvenience. First of all Big Cheese and XXX both decided they wanted me to work more hours which meant that I had to come home, walk the dog then drive back to work which not only involved a good amount of driving but tolls as well.

I didn’t have the heart to let my friend down by quitting on her. She assured me that her regular sitter would be back at “the end of March”. So does that mean March 16th or March 31st????

Well, it is looking like it is March 31st with no end in sight. I will be letting her know that March 31st is it for me and I have let her know that my other employers have offered me more hours in April so I hope she is prepared.

The real issue with this whole thing is that it completely interferes with play dates. Originally that was a good thing. Over the past few months with the few play dates that I have had I have managed but SERIOUSLY…

I began using the time to talk to T-Bone on the phone. We had some nice long chats while I walked the dog but when we tried to plan a play date and I explained that I’d have to walk the dog before meeting him, T-Bone said “I’m about to get a gun and put a bullet through that dog’s head”. T-Bone was joking of course.

As I have told people these past few months when they tell me I am crazy, “I tried to do something nice for a friend. I made a commitment. I wanted to fulfill my commitment. I have learned my lesson.”


Anonymous said...

I know how you feel "commitment.... That was very nice.


Same sassy girl said...

You are so good! No good deed goes unpunished! Reminds me of the time we took in a friend from church who was being stalked, and she asked us to hide the knives because she was feeling violent. Umm... yeah... locked the bedroom door that night!

Here's to less dogs and more play dates!

Ben said...

Your generosity should be rewarded. Now I always wonder when I will meet a potential playmate walking my dog. He is a big, adorable golden retriever. And he has a remarkable talent for getting attractive women to stop and talk. But nothing has happened form this so far.

Anonymous said...


Naughty Kitty said...

I can't wait for Monday either T-Bone :)